So this is how Im going to track my time through South Africa. Blog form. Unfortunately, every ounce of internet I use costs me money so I do not know how tricked out or in depth Im going to go but I'll try.

I am currently in Cape Town, South Africa and I will be here for about 5 months. I will be taking class at UCT while taking on some kind of service learning project at a site CIEE has a relationship with. I live with all the kids in my program (there are 18) on one property with two houses right below UCT's campus.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

High Africa

So this past weekend we went to a place out called "High Africa" in the Western Cape for an “Expectations Workshop.” Basically, it was meant for workshopping and team building exercises among the group and with most of the staff. Honestly there was a little too much workshopping and conferencing and not enough activities. I know ya’ll are sick of hearing this but it was absolutely gorgeous out in the bush. Now this isn’t like safari bush, like the savanna or something, the compound was right off the Breede River (if you care to look it up) and there were mountains in every direction you looked (and then mountains after those mountains). I would just like to make a small note right here: I have officially been swimming in a river in Africa. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!?!?
            The first day we got there, Friday, we started on a nice low ropes course and it was fine, we did some team bonding and accomplished the task: etcetera, etcetera. Cool. However the next day, after hours of conferencing, in the worst afternoon heat, we went on to the high ropes course. I didn’t find out until after but I was only one of two people who had never done anything like that before. Great. The other girl was from Bangladesh and has extreme fears of heights and water. So at the end of the day I did 5 out of 6 of the elements but let me tell you I am not a heights person and I really don’t see how walking across beams 12 m off the ground makes you feel good about yourself. Like you really overcame some great fear: I was terrified the whole time and all I felt was anxiety and then relief when it was over: nothing else. I also don’t understand how such activities could be misconstrued with “fun.” I did however enjoy belaying down off the structure at the end. It took a lot of deep breaths to get to that point but I just have to actually do things instead of standing around thinking about what I have to do and getting freaked out. We also did the Leap of Faith where you jump off a beam trying to grab a trapeze. I, of course, grabbed the bar and then slipped instantly. I have weak, midget hands; I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Finally, I also thought I’d mention that I climbed a wall for the first time as well. I never realized how sheltered from normal childhood activities I was. All those years of art camp, dance intensives, and trips to museums didn’t really prepare me for these things. But hey, at least I am cultured right?
            Well enough about these silly artificial activities, I want to talk about the four things I enjoyed most at this retreat. The scenery was phenomenal and just the flora and fauna in general was magnificent. The landscape actually reminded me of New Mexico quite a bit. Second, the river, because I like water and swimming in bodies of water. It was a little murky and I definitely freaked myself out about leeches and other unknown river creatures but I still went running in every chance I got. Third, there was a deck that overlooked the river and I spent every spare chance I could sitting on it looking out and breathing deeply. Then finally, there were three cats on the premise, and the one who was the friendliest was called Misty. How perfect. We also had three great guides, one of which I befriended and who has invited me to tag along for some great hikes in Cape Town. All in all I would say it has been a wonderful weekend. I was pretty much this close to chaining myself to the deck so that I would never have to leave. Ha.
            Well tomorrow is our first day of classes. The honeymoon is over. I cant believe I will actually have to start doing work but maybe by now I am ready…….NOT. I have become exceptionally skilled at the art of nothingness. I’ll be holding classes when I get back for all who are interested.

Thatched Roofs


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